July 11, 2018

How Can Temperature Affect Your Sleep?

You might be surprised to learn that your brain sets your “internal thermostat” lower at night than it does during the day, which means your body’s ideal temperature is cooler at night than it is the rest of the time. In fact, scientists believe that the ideal sleeping temperature ranges from just 60 – 67 degrees at night versus somewhere around 74 degrees during the day. Why We Sleep Cooler This might be, in part, because your bed and covers retain so much body heat that a 74-degree bedroom quickly becomes much too hot once you crawl into bed. By keeping your room cooler at night, you accommodate the “trapped” heat that results from your mattress, sheets, comforters, and cosleepers (significant other, toddlers, pets, or all three). The Role of a Programmable Thermostat Installing a programmable thermostat makes it easy to maintain multiple different temperatures depending on the time of day. For example, you may choose to conserve energy during your work hours, cool the house down to a comfortable day temperature when you’re home and awake, and cool it further when you go to bed at night. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, don’t fret. You can still...

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March 21, 2018

What is AC Maintenance and Why Do I need it?

AC maintenance involves taking care of the air conditioning system in your home. Mainly, the AC system keeps your home cool during the summer or just anytime you need cooling in your home. It’s essential to maintain the AC system to prevent contamination and health risks to the people living in the building. Maintenance of filters, coils, fins, and the drains should be done at least once in spring so that the air conditioner is ready for use during the summer. It’s important to get a professional to do the maintenance because they have the technical know-how to identify a problem and find solutions. Again, they have the necessary experience to avoid damaging your AC system. Here are some of the reasons why you need to maintain your AC: Increase the lifespan and performance of the AC system Over time, filters and coils get clogged with dirt, which in turn causes them to break down faster than anticipated. In case any part of the system fails, it could cause damage to the entire AC system. Saves money The AC system collects dirt, not only when its running but also when it sits idle throughout the year. Replacing dirty filters and...

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